Me Whakakotahi, Kia Maarama,
Kia Pono, Ki Te Karakia

Together We Learn, We Pray, We Serve 

Nau Mai ki te Kura Kātorika ō Hāta Maria
Welcome to St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura

St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura enjoys a proud history and heritage where multiple generations have thrived and succeeded in our Catholic setting. Together with a stable and experienced staff who provide up to date professional knowledge and care for each child, an engaged and active parent community and a supportive Board of Trustees, our students excel across all curriculum areas. 








Shareable 2024 Annual Implementation Plan St Mary’s Catholic School, Papakura .docx (5) (1).pdf

Principal Report MoE

Copy of Principal’s Annual Report 2023 for MoE.pdf

Financial Statement

Signed financial statements (stamped + report).pdf

'Nau Mai, Haere mai, Welcome, Talofa lava, Malo e me’a mai, Maligayang Pagdating'

Principal's Welcome

Tēnā koutou katoa,

St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura is a place where children thrive in a community of faith and grow in a loving relationship with Christ.

​It is a privilege and an honour to have the opportunity to lead such an amazing school and faith community, where every staff member is passionate about our children's wellbeing, learning and spiritual growth.

We offer a broad and authentic curriculum for students from Year 0 to Year 6, providing a pathway to secondary Catholic education. 

'Children are embraced and supported to learn and grow to achieve their own personal potential.'

Our holistic approach to learning encompasses a focus on mission and service, fostering a genuine encounter with Christ, His teachings and the teachings of the Catholic Church. As active participants in the evangelistic mission of the Church, our students are privileged with the opportunity to become authentic witnesses of their faith.


Since the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions arrived to open the then convent school on 21st May 1954,  we continue to celebrate our school's proud history and multi-generational enrolments. Our school has evolved with the times, being able to offer 21st century technology and digital learning in innovative and engaging teaching spaces.


At St Mary's, learning is fun. Opportunities for students to excel, are supported by our amazing parent community who work tirelessly to raise funds and our forward-thinking Board of Trustees who work closely with our leadership team to strategically steer us towards our school vision.

We enjoy excellent academic outcomes and a high level of cultural and community engagement. Each child is valued for who they are and where they come from. Children are embraced and supported to learn and grow to achieve their own personal potential.

Set in peaceful and well established park-like grounds, St Mary's is a great place to grow, to learn and to work. Come and visit us and see for yourself.

Ngā mihi nui

Audrey Kippen

Tumuaki/ Principal