At St Mary’s we hold three weekend Masses, vigil at 5.00pm and Sundays at 8.30am and 10.30am account for an average Mass attendance of around 700.

A Youth Mass commencing 3rd Sundays at 5.00pm.

Weekday Masses, 9.00am Monday – Friday mornings are well attended.

A Mass in honour of Our Lady is celebrated on Saturday mornings at 8.30am.

A Samoan Mass is provided, third Sunday of the month 12noon, a Tongan Mass 2nd Sundays 5pm (every 2nd month) and a Filipino Mass on the first Sunday at 12.30pm. A Maori Mass is held at the neighbouring parish of Manurewa on the fourth Sunday of the month. Mass is celebrated at Clevedon on the First Sunday of the month in The Clevedon District Centre.

The parish provides for a variety of lay ministries. Liturgical ministries are strong we have a musical director who trains church choir which is supported by competent musicians. The liturgies are well prepared and presented. Training courses for Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic Ministers are presented twice a year. Altar servers are also trained, male and female.

St Mary's Catholic Church, Papakura
A listening, praying, servant community....

We are a diverse parish community, with an urban/rural mix and comprise a rich cultural diversity .

Parish Contact Information

52 East Street, Papakura 2110 

Parish Administrator - Father P Nathaniel Brazil

Parish Office - Roleta Aranda - Ph:  299 6056  (Sacramental Programme/Hall Hireage)

Pastoral Associate - Benita Kiutau - Ph:  299 6056 or 020 1494 9186 weekdays.

Parish Office/Library - Tuesday to Friday 9.30am to 3.00pm

Presbytery - Ph:  298 5134


Email:  office@stmaryspapakura.co.nz

Website:  www.papakuracatholic.org.nz

Signing of Preference Certificates

Thursdays Only from 10 - 12 noon  AND  4 - 6 p.m.