Attendance Dues​


Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment under the terms of the Education and Training Act 2020 and a condition of enrolment at St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura.


Attendance Dues are charged for all students who attend Catholic Schools in New Zealand. Attendance 

Dues are used to repay loans for building works done at schools in the Auckland Diocese, property related costs including school building works, buildings insurance and costs directly associated with the administration of attendance dues.


Attendance Dues are collected by St Mary's Catholic School,Papakura Board of Trustees on behalf of the school’s Proprietor, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland.

The Attendance Dues collected by St Mary's Catholic School,Papakura are forwarded to Auckland Common Fund Limited, a company established by the proprietors of Catholic integrated schools in the Diocese of Auckland responsible for the collection of Attendance Dues.


Attendance Dues payable for 2024 school year:


Primary: Y0 – Y6 $129.00 per term ($516.00 per year) including GST


Attendance Dues can be paid in full at the beginning of the school year, per term or by regular instalment.


More information or assistance, is available through our school office.

Financial Assistance with Attendance Dues

2024 Attendance Dues Flyer.pdf

Catholic Character Contributions

​The Catholic Special Character contribution is a voluntary donation of $15.00 per term ($60.00 per annum) per student.

This contribution provides the main source of funding for all services provided to St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura, by the Catholic Education Services Board.  No contributions are made by the Government for these services.  

The Catholic Education Services Board assists schools to provide a Catholic education for your child through the preservation and enhancement of the Catholic Special Character in our schools.

AC0033 Catholic Special Character email 1.0.jpg

Attendance Dues

Attendance dues 2024 (1).pdf


St Mary's Catholic School, Papakura has accepted the Ministry of Education annual grant to schools and as such, does not require any further payments from parents/ whanau.

However, if parents/ whanau would like to support special school events, they are free to do so at any time and in any way they choose to.

Our PTFA and Gala Committee make regular collections to support their fundraising drives and parents/whanau are encouraged to support these events generously.